Collapsible Technology
Hyperfold is a proprietary collapsible technology that offers new design and superior functionality for packaging and reusable products. Similar to origami, Hyperfold allows thin tubular-shaped containers fold to less than 10% of their initial volume. Just by pressing several points on a container, one can easily fold it to a flat state. At the same time, the technology offers uncompromising stability when containers are unfolded. We are working in two directions to help solving the plastic waste problem. Firstly, we are developing a range of practical reusable products that truly replace the most common packaging. Secondly, we aim at bringing more responsible disposal of bulky packaging, lowering waste volume and optimizing the recycling process.
Materials & Production Methods
We have developed a wide range of mechanical principles with various geometrical patterns that can fold different tubular-shaped containers. They work with a variety of materials, from softer to harder ones: elastomers, polymers, paper and cardboard, fabrics and more. The technology can be integrated with different production methods: injection molding, blow molding, paper packaging production, industrial sewing.
Food and drink packaging is bulky, difficult to fold and most of us tend to dispose it straight away. As a result, waste containers are quickly overflown, requiring much more resources for collection, transportation and sorting for recycling. Our technology can help consumer goods and FMCGs bring superior functionality and more responsible disposal for the packaging of their products. This would allow end-consumers to throw packaging in a folded state, making the waste collection and recycling process more efficient.
Reusable Products
In order to avoid single-use packaging, we have to think about way too many reusables in our busy everyday life. All of these products are difficult to carry around and are not truly replacing the most common disposables. To make reuse a real thing, we are developing a wide range of extremely functional and beautiful reusable products. Refillable bottles, cups, food containers that can fold to a minimum and fit into our lifestyle easily. We believe that by adopting reusing habits and avoiding unnecessary waste, we can all live in a cleaner and better world.
With Hyperfold almost any bulky tubular container can fold to less than 10% of its initial volume. On the one hand, packaging is easily disposed crushed, thus saving space in garbage containers and, as a result, optimising the waste collection and recycling process. On the other hand, various reusable products (for food and drinks) can easily become compact to fit anywhere and to always be at hand in our busy everyday life.
When something is collapsible, it is naturally perceived as unstable. This holds true for all current reusable containers that are foldable. They are either not very stable when unfolded, or not very compact when folded. That is why collapsibility is also not a common feature for single-use packaging. Applicable to both packaging and reusable containers, Hyperfold stands out by offering both stability and compactness for a real performance.
Our collapsible technology makes tubular containers fold just like origami, actually a little bit easier than origami. To compress waste, you have to crush the packaging from both sides. Without applying much force and without disturbing noise - just an easy and pleasant activity. For reusable products, people say it’s fun and even a little bit addictive folding and unfolding our products. It is just satisfying like popping bubble wrap.

Petar Zaharinov, CTO Co-founder
Petar is an architect by education and inventor by heart. He has always liked challenging geometrical systems, finding hidden functionalities and value in initially considered impossible to work things. He is a co-founder and inventor of Praktrik – sustainable and innovative puzzle furniture that blends design and functionality in an interesting way. The furniture is sold all over the world and has been featured in leading media sites such as WIRED, Designboom, The Verge. He is also a co-founder and product developer at WallStack where he has invented and patented the modular principle for assembling the wall system.
Radina Popova, COO Co-founder
Radina is always eager to explore business opportunities that solve real problems and have a major impact on the markets they tackle. She has a strong passion for developing businesses, executing marketing campaigns and building powerful brands. She has worked for the well-known ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi and for startups in Berlin, Barcelona and Sofia. She has a BSc in Marketing in the UK and an MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from ESADE Business School in Barcelona. Together with Petar are part of the team behind WallStack – a novel modular partition wall system for interior design and exhibition constructions.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help live in a society where preserving nature is an integral part of everybody’s mindset. We aim to change how people think about single-use packaging worldwide and make reusable products a “must” and “easy thing” for everybody.
Our Vision
Our long-term vision is to disrupt both reusable products and single-use packaging by setting a new standard for sustainable reuse and recycling.